Skilled Representation Tailored To Your Needs

Targeted And Professional Legal Defense For Ohio Felony Charges

Felony charges can leave you facing severe repercussions. We have years of experience fighting felony charges, and we at the KM Law Firm want to protect your rights, freedoms and liberties as you navigate the criminal justice system.

No matter how serious your felony charge is, we can represent you with discrete and attentive care. From educating you about state and federal criminal law and penalties to establishing your defense goals, we can adapt our approach to address your specific situation, needs and circumstances.

Felony Charges We Fight

We’ve defended people across Central Ohio from:

  • Drug charges
  • Drunk driving charges (OVIs)
  • Assault
  • Aggravated assault
  • Family violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Kidnapping
  • Rape
  • Sexual battery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Felonious Assault
  • Manslaughter
  • Murder
  • Theft
  • Burglary
  • Property crimes
  • Receiving stolen property
  • Arson
  • Fraud
  • Forgery
  • Cyber crime
  • Embezzlement

Speak with one of our lawyers today so we can learn more about your case.

The Consequences For Felony Charges In Ohio

If you’re convicted on a felony charge in the Buckeye State, the consequences can be steep depending on the crime. If prosecutors convict you, you could potentially face:

  • Expensive fines: In some cases, you could end up paying up to $20,000.
  • Prison time: You could face over a decade behind bars, depending on the crime. In other cases, you could also face up to five years of parole.
  • Limited opportunities: Outside of fines and prison time, having a felony conviction on your record in Ohio can limit your ability to vote, find adequate housing, get a job or get a loan.

These penalties and setbacks can negatively affect your life. If you’re facing a felony charge, call us now at 614-339-6165 so we can begin your defense strategy today.

Honest And Transparent Representation

Good criminal defense lawyers don’t sugarcoat anything. From our years of experience, we know that being helpful means telling you the truth. Once we understand your situation and the penalties you face, we can give you our honest opinion and a realistic expectation of how your case could turn out. Once we reach that mutual understanding, we can create a defense strategy that accurately reflects your situation in your criminal trial.

Protect Your Rights – Call Now.

Fighting an Ohio felony charge can feel daunting. However, it doesn’t have to.

Schedule a free initial consultation with our Columbus-based attorneys today by calling 614-339-6165 or emailing us.